Welcome one and all!

Welcome to my silly little websiiiite, I'm totally actually going to keep it up this
time. Trying to just wing it and figure out what I wanna do with it along the way.
Mostly have fun

This site was build for computers, firefox, 1920x1080 but I've tried to make it responsive and accessible. Feedback is welcome!
Hey you know the adhd thing where your interest in something is either ON (fixating) or OFF (attempting to do this will cause psychic damage) with no in-between? Yeah the webmastering interest got turned off. Yeah, I might not poke at this much until it's turned on again. Yeah, see you later guys.
Update Log
July 22, '24: Change my mind on journal. Added an OC page with nothing on it yet exclusively to annoy future me so I'll hopefully get around to it.
July 19, '24: Added buttons to a couple of cool websites, moved stuff around and added a couple of games to my favourites in about me as well as a "test results" section. Also, there's a new journal section! No entry yet but it's there!
July 17, '24: Piclog is up! I've added a button for people to link to my site, some of my hobbies and a a new "Past 'Currently:' entries section in my about me, fixed link contrast (in general and to match the custom cursor) and added custom fonts and a favicon! Furthermore, there's a chatbox, guestbook, poll and new images in collections.
July 16, '24: World of Warcraft cursor added! Favourites and the self-portrait in about me has been updated. Did some accessiblity edits using Solaria's guides. Also, a kitty!
July 15, '24: I've added about and collections! Updated background image, header and name splash with my own art. Modified the css and back end a bit and added a 404 page. Also, Status Cafe is up, yippee!
July 14, '24: Revival of the site! Now armed with Phoenix Code as a proper editor and doing big batch updates instead of 300 small updates in the span of an hour. Everything has been revamped and reworked!